Map of Haiti

Educating the Haitian Diaspora on the Threat of Nuclear Weapons / Edike Dyaspora Ayisyen An Sou Menas Zam Nekleyé

After Russian President Putin’s statement raising the possibility of using nuclear weapons against Ukraine, many people around the world, including Haitians expressed deep concern. A group of local state officials in Massachusetts visited a Haitian church in Malden to learn if its basement could accommodate residents in the event of a nuclear war between Russia and the United States. In the case of a nuclear war, the few survivors will envy the dead. The only ways to prevent a nuclear war are people’s pressure on elected officials for arms control and disarmament and finally winning that abolition of these terrible weapons.

Our webinar will focus on education about the nuclear dangers, information about disarmament efforts people and movements in the United States and other nations, and why it is important for Haitians to join efforts by others to prevent nuclear war and to win the abolition of nuclear weapons.

The panel will feature:

Roland Joseph, Member of “Nonkilling Security & International Relations Research Committee” at the Center for Global Nonkilling (CGNK).





Susan Mirsky, Chair of the Nuclear Disarmament working group of Massachusetts Peace Action (MAPA).




Joseph Gerson, Executive Director of The Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security (CPDCS).





The webinar will be in Haitian Creole and English / Aktivite a ap fèt an kreyòl ayisyen ak anglè.

For more information contact:

Roland Joseph, or
Joseph Gerson

The event is finished.


Apr 04 2024


Eastern Standard Time
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

More Info



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