Peace & Planet / NPT

The fight to abolish nuclear weapons is inextricably linked with movements for economic, social, and environmental justice and peace. The 2015 NPT provides an opportunity to build pressure on the nuclear powers, to draw attention to the terrifying threats that nuclear technologies pose to people, peace, and the planet; and to achieve a nuclear-free world. Partners from around the country join together to say: No Nukes! Take Action!

The Fierce Urgency of Now
Highlights from the Peace & Planet International Conference 2022

Peace & Planet’s July 30, 2022 Conference took place at the Unitarian Church of All Souls in New York City. It aimed at providing a forum for the world’s peace movements, in order to share positions and observations on the dynamics of an increasingly dangerous world disorder, and organize common strategies for peace, disarmament, and human survival. Here we share some  of the highlights.

Video of Conference Speakers

List of Speakers

A Message of Peace and Solidarity from the Russian Coast of the Baltic Sea from Oleg Bodrov

Peace and Planet Member Organizations (as of June 2022)

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (United Kingdom)
Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security (USA)
International Trade Union Confederation (163 Nations, based in Australia & Belgium)
International Peace Bureau (based in Germany, Spain & Switzerland)
International Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War (63 Nations, Based in USA)
Japan Congress against A- & H- Bombs, Gensuikin (Japan)
Mouvement de la Paix (France)
Peace Action (USA)
Peace Action New York State (USA)
People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (Republic of Korea)
Public Council of the South Coast of the Gulf of Finland
Stop the War Coalition (Philippines)
United for Peace & Justice (USA)
Western States Legal Foundations (USA)