Statement on the Israeli-Hamas War

CPDCS Gaza Statement

The Campaign for Peace, Disarmament, and Common Security calls for an immediate ceasefire in the Hamas-Israel War. War is never the answer. We condemn the brutal and indiscriminate killing of civilians on all sides and the taking of hostages. Both are morally unacceptable and severe violations of International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law. … Read more

September 12 Webinar Report Back from South Korea and Japan

Seoul Report Back

In late July, Joseph Gerson participated in a Peace MOMO common security conference, 70th anniversary of the Korean Armistice events, and visited communities which have been devastated by U.S. military bases. He and Margaret Engel of Peace Action New York State participated in the annual World Conference against A- & H- Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. … Read more

Joseph Gerson’s Sept. 17 Boston Globe Letter to the Editor Urging U.S.-China Common Security Diplomacy

Biden and Xi

Dear Editor In his Sept. 10 Ideas piece, “Too often, military defense comes off as offense,” Stephen Kinzer warns that the United States and China are locked in an increasingly dangerous and confrontational arms race, creating a “security dilemma.” It is, as political scientist Graham Allison has warned of a “Thucydides Trap,” the inevitable tensions between rising and declining … Read more

Biden’s Trilateral Camp David Summit Advanced Preparation for War with China


The summit’s much ballyhooed commitment to nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation serves more to manufacture consent for preparations for nuclear war than to reduce nuclear dangers. Meeting in a summit at Camp David on August 18, President Joe Biden, President Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea, and Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan posed for photos that … Read more

Ending Climate and Nuclear Crises for the Next Generation

Ending Climate Nuclear Crisis Webinar

For Coalition for Peace Action, July 16 This webinar with Timmon Wallis, Okezue Bell, and Joseph Gerson addresses the twin existential threats of the climate emergency and Nuclear weapons. It provides an overview of the increasing threats of the climate emergency, a critique of international climate conferences, an encouraging overview of constructive climate sustainability initiatives, and common … Read more