Chosen Traumas, Enemy Relationships, and Common Security?


By Paul Joseph Introduction by Joseph Gerson We are excited to be launching CPDCS’ occasional blog with Paul Joseph’s excellent short article “Chosen Traumas, Enemy Relationships, and Common Security. His essay speaks to our moment, to history and the future. Read it with Israel and Palestine, Russia and Ukraine, the U.S. and China, red states … Read more

Webinar Announcement: Countering Anti-Asian Racism – February 28, 8 p.m. EST

Webinar Anti-asian Racism Speakers

Webinar Announcement: Countering Anti-Asian Racism – February 28, 8 p.m. EST Register at: The Committee for a Sane U.S.-China Policy has organized a CounteringAnti-Asian Racism webinar on February 28 to promote public understanding of what Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in this country have long suffered and continue to do so today. From the … Read more

Webinar: October 8 – Peace Movements’ Perspectives on the AUKUS Military Pact


WEBINAR: Peace Movements’ Perspectives on the AUKUS Military Pact Register at: Summary: The US crafted trilateral security partnership with Australia and UK -AUKUS is an escalation and call to arms in the Indo Pacific directly confrontational in targeting China, reshaping the increasingly dangerous global disorder. This military pact (i) Further exacerbates the Indo-Pacific … Read more

CPDCS Statement: Take Action to end White Supremacy and for Justice, Democracy and Peace

The Campaign for Peace Disarmament and Common Security stands with the Black Lives Matter movement’s call to end the racial injustice and violence inflicted on Black people and communities of color. We remain committed to intersectional organizing, education, and analysis in our demands for nuclear weapons abolition and common security diplomacy. We know this is … Read more

Announcement: World Conference 2020

World Conference & Mobilization – Abolish Nuclear Weapons; Resist and Reverse the Climate Crisis; For Social and Economic Justice Announcement by International Movement Leaders New York, April 24-26, 2020 Read our Call to Action here. …….. Boston/Berlin/Tokyo: Leading nuclear disarmament, peace, climate and justice organizations announced plans today for The World Conference and international mobilization … Read more